Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday - Cape May, NJ

Good Evening!

Today was an awesome day!  It began by waking at 6:00 am,  packing my lunch at 6:30, eating breakfast at 7:00, morning devotions with the team around 7:30 and then we loaded the trucks with the tools that were needed for the jobs we were assigned.

During my devotional time this morning I chose a reading from Oswald Chambers - My Utmost For His Highest.  If you are not familiar with the book it is a daily devotional.  I am a little behind as my lesson for today is from June 18th.  But God's timing is good.  He knew I would need the encouragement today.

It was titled: "Don't Think Now, Take The Road".   The bible verses were from Matthew 14: 28-30 where Peter walks on the water until he sees the wind and the waves and begins to sink.  He was afraid.

Chambers goes on to talk about the fact that Peter was fine when he kept his focus on Jesus, it was only when he lost the focus that he began to sink.  How true that is for me and maybe for you?

Today we knew the weather was going to be hot in New Jersey (97/felt like 105).  We were given permission to quit work early because of the heat.  We chose to stay.  With God's help, plenty of water, a couple of good breaks with wonderful food, we actually stayed later than our assigned time.  We kept our focus on God and what He has called us to do to help the families we are serving.  Much work was completed.

While we were working I kept thinking about more of Chambers thoughts...."Be reckless immediately, fling it all out on Him.  You do not know when His voice will come, but whenever the realization of God comes in the faintest way imaginable, recklessly abandon.  It is only by abandon that your recognize Him.  You will only realize His voice more clearly by recklesness.'

I am glad that I am being reckless in New Jersey but I am so thankful that I was reckless and listened to God in Texas this last February and March.  God placed it on my heart to be a part of an extreme makeover with Grace Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi.  A call to serve was asked by the church.  All I knew was that a woman named Judy asked for help to clean, organize and fix up her home.  On a Sunday afternoon I was able to walk along side many of my friends from the church to help Judy with her request.

Through this act of service I gained a friend in Judy.  I enjoyed her company, she was an accomplished woman with such a kind heart.  She had had a good life but there were also difficult times.  The important part is that she knew that the Lord loved her.

I received a text from Judy's son Daniel yesterday who let me know that she had passed away.  If I had not been willing to have reckless abandon I would have missed the opportunity for our friendship.  I was looking forward to reconnecting with her in January but now she is with God.  I have the reassurance that I will see her one day.  What joy there is in knowing it is true.

In closing my prayer is that you will do as Chambers says:  "Don't Think Now, Take The Road"  you will be blessed in so many ways you can not imagine.

God is good all the time!

Here is a photo from our morning break...making new friends:

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