Friday, July 24, 2015

Good Morning from New Jersey....Day Five!

Good Morning!

I decided to try to send you a note this morning instead of the evening as it is busy when we return from the homes we are working on.

Last evening I was so thankful for one of our team members.  His name is Eduard.  He works with eletrical items like TV's, etc.  Yes, there are TV's that are still repaired.  He was such a blessing to me because I had been having problems with my electric stapler.  I think you might have one of these tools at home.  Where right where the cord comes out of it is bent and the electrical current is not constant.  Eduard was nice enough to repair mine and I got to watch so I think it may be time to repair another tool when I return home.  Thanks! Eduard.

Today's devotional is from Anne Graham Lotz book: Fixing my eyes on Jesus.  The verse she chose is from 2 Peter 1:3.  "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness."

How true this is, He gives us everything!  The question is are we paying attention, are we listening to Him or are there too many distractions in our life?  I know this happens to me.  I know that in times of difficulty if I cry out to Him to ask for His help He does answer me.  Maybe not in a way that I expect and/or maybe not the answer I want but He does answer me.  And from experience His plan has been good for me.

As Anne points out "nothing is beyond His ability, whether it's a job-related problem, a marriage to reconcile, a memory to heal, a guilty conscience to clense, a sin to forgive, a budget to stretch, another mouth to feed, or anything else that may be troubling you."

My prayer is this morning that the families we are restoring their homes will feel and know this God we serve.  He has sent us to fix their home and we pray they will understand that God has planned these works in advance for us to do for them.  This is the good that God has prepared for us to do.

I moved to a different team yesterday.  God is good.  In this home we are installing insulation.  We are starting right after the new studs to begin making the home safe and secure from the cold and the winds.  I learned so much yesterday about what type of insulation to install where and about trays to use near the wall so the soffets can breath and help the air circulation in the home.

God is good all the time.

Have a great day!

Love you all....hopefully I will be able to get you some pictures later today or tomorrow.  We were on scaffolding putting up the insulation so the camera was not out for me.  Hopefully I can get some from our team leader?

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