Saturday, July 25, 2015

Friday - Near South Hampton, NJ

Good Afternoon!

Yesterday was another great day.  The weather was so amazing and the humity was non-existent which made it comfortable for working.

Our team was making great progress on installing more insulation and we had a wonderful surprise, the homeowner came to visit.  It was so nice to meet her, hear about her and her children.  She explained what happened when the storm surge came into her home.  All had been fine and then 3 to 4 feet of water was inside her home.

We are thankful that we could meet her so as we pray for them and fix their home we want to work harder to get as much completed as we can to move the process of getting them back in their home sooner.

Here are some photos of our team over the last two days.

This is Paul our team leader.  He is a great leader who is so full of knowledge and willing to teach us the right way to do whatever the task.

Getting closer to finishing this room.  It was clompleted on Friday along with many more rooms.  Only about 600 sq ft to go before inspection.

Our team (Lorna, Jen, Brian, Catherine, Shelley & Paul) with the homeowner.

We are thankful to be here to serve with World Renew and expecially Terri.

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