Saturday, July 18, 2015

Manahawkin, NJ - Ocean Community Church - Our home for the next two weeks!

Good Evening! Family & Friends,

I arrived in Manahawkin, New Jersey this afternoon about 3:15.  I thank the Lord for safe travels I had as I drove the 800 miles.

Our team is beginning to arrive but all are not here yet.  Please pray for traveling mercies for the rest of the team.  One will not arrive until tomorrow because of a delay in the Amtrack train between California and Chicago.  She will remain in Chicago tonight and complete her journey to Manahawkin tomorrow.

Tonight we will have dinner with the 19 team members who will arrive today.  After dinner we will have a meeting to discuss tomorrow's schedule.  Last time we joined the congregation of Ocean Community Church for services and coffee, the we went to lunch together and visited the job sites to see where we were going to work for the week.  I will let you know tomorrow if it was the same.

Here is a photo of the main site for World Renew team where many of us will be staying:

There is another site a few miles a way where part of the team will sleep.

Here is the room I will share with another team member.

In my devotional book - "Fixing My Eyes on Jesus" the title for today is "Face Tomorrow With Joy" .  How thankful I am and filled with joy to be here in New Jersey.

We are so fortunate to have our homes in tact that we are able to live comfortably.  However, so many families, with first family homes, along the shore do not (around 5,000 families).

What a joy to be able to give to the families using the talents that God has given me.  As in other experiences I am sure I will be blessed more than what I am giving.  God is so good in that way when we come to serve His people.

Today's verse is:  " Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."  I Peter 2: 10

Anne Graham Lotz shares "  We live in a world shaken by terrorism and disease, floods, famine, and fear.  But we can face tomorrow with joy because Christ lives.  Our hope and faith are in Him!"

In all things, honor and glory can come to Christ.  New friendships can be built,  homes can be restored, hope can be shared and the love of Christ can be spread.

Please pray for our team as we begin our service over the next two weeks.  May we be the eyes and ears of Jesus.  May we know when it is time to put our tools down and listen if that is what is needed for the families and team members we serve.


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