Thursday, July 7, 2016

Crossroads -- Joplin, MO

Good Afternoon!

For the next week I will have the privilege of serving along side the Crossroads youth group, their leaders and several adults from Corinth Reformed Church.  This will be the first joint mission trip for Corinth with World Renew in Grand Rapids.  World Renew and Abundant Life located in Joplin, MO have been partners sending mission trips before.

Our missions pastor and youth leaders began to talk about the possibility of coordinating a trip about a year ago.  It is so exciting to be able to join the 14 crossroad youth and the 9 adults to serve along side the Joplin Community.

Five years ago this past May 22nd an EF5 tornado struck Joplin.  There were 158 lives lost, 1150 people were injured, winds were over 200 mile per hour, and as of this year about 2.95 billion in damages have been spent.  With such a catastrophic tornado there are still many people who are still not back in their home.  It takes a long time to rebuild a community.

Saturday morning we will begin our journey to Joplin, MO.  Please pray for us as we travel that all will go well, that we will have time to get to know each other, that we will be safe.

Our prayer guide for the first few days Bible reading is from Phillippians 2: 2 - 5.  "If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being one in spirit and purpose.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus."

Please pray for us as we travel:  that we will gel as a team, that we will see His purpose for our trip.  That we will be able to share encouragement, unity, comfort, love, tenderness, compassion, joy, and purpose to the families we serve and to each other.

May we remember that Christ is the reason we are going to serve and that we are going to lift up the families and the community leaders who have been working for the last five years.  Please pray that each person we come in contact with with see the love of Christ through our words and our actions.

If you feel so inclined please check our the World Renew - Disaster Response Link on the side of my blog or go to:

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

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